High-Tech Schlock

High-Tech Schlock

Less than a year ago, I mentioned Guitar Praise, a Guitar Hero knock-off that only plays Christian rock.

Now they’re making the same cheese available to today’s hip devil-hater on the go, with Guitar Praise for the iPhone.

Never before will you think to yourself, “what should I do while my hellbound teacher is trying to brainwash me with Darwinism, Copernicanism, and other satanic dogmas?” Just pop in your earbuds to block the blasphemous blather and pray for your teacher’s salvation — with rock!


One thought on “High-Tech Schlock

  1. Just pop in your earbuds to block the blasphemous blather and pray for your teacher’s salvation — with rock!

    At least it’s a more socially acceptable course of action than that dictated by the Bible – blocking the blasphemous blather with a rock.

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