What Planet Does Behe Live On?
Michael Behe has written a weblog entry about his experience testifying at the Dover Panda trial, and I just have to ask: what’s the weather like in Bizarro World?
The cross examination was fun too, and showed that the other side really does have only rhetoric and bluster.
Were there two trials in Harrisburg where Behe testified about ID? Because the transcript that I read wasn’t so much David vs. Goliath as Baghdad Bob vs. the 3rd Cavalry Division.
I rather enjoyed myself on the witness stand, because I got to explain in very great detail the argument for intelligent design
So just what is this argument? As far as I could tell, it was “It looks designed, therefore it is designed!” I hate to break it to you, but assertion does not equal argument.
At one point the lawyer for the other side who was cross examining me ostentatiously piled a bunch of papers on the witness stand that putatively had to do with the evolution of the immune system. But it was obvious from a cursory examination that they were more examples of hand waving speculations
I couldn’t help noticing the pathetic irony of the situation: Behe dismissing literally fifty books’ worth of research as “hand-waving speculation” while providing no support whatsoever for his position. Truly a textbook case of Black Knight Syndrome. (NB: Mr. Eric Rothschild, if by some chance you’re reading this, I’ll pay you $50 for a recording of you saying, “Look, you stupid bastard! You’ve got no arms left!”)
But for some reason, Dembski and his sock puppets are eating it up.
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