Huckabee and Obama at UMD; What to Ask?

One thought on “Huckabee and Obama at UMD; What to Ask?

  1. “Governor Huckabee, you’ve said that the Constitution should be changed to be brought into line with the Bible. How does that comport with, say, Thomas Jefferson’s assertion of a wall of separation between church and state? Are you arguing that we should change the Constitution to marginalize the tens of millions of people who do believe that the Bible is not a good guide to politics and governance?”

  2. Thanks all. I’m currently vacillating between

    a) something about creationism (e.g., “You don’t even accept the evidence for common descent; doesn’t that disqualify you from being a world leader in the 21st century, when science has a direct bearing on many issues facing us?”),

    b) religion (e.g., “You said you wanted to amend the constitution to bring it closer to the Bible. What exactly do you mean? Repeal the 1st amendment? Stoning adulterers? The return of slavery? Or when someone like Al Qaeda strikes us, should we turn the other cheek?”),

    c) snark (e.g., “You said you wanted to amend the constitution to bring it in line with the Bible. Do you really think theocracy is better than what we have now, or were you just pandering to the religious nuts?”)

    d) listen to what he has to say and just wing it.

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