Holy Shit! BillDo and I Agree on Something!
BillDo has a post entitled “Is the Met’s Tosca
Sacrilegious?” (except that he has it in all caps because it’s shoutier.)
He concludes with
So, no, “Tosca” is not sacrilegious. It’s just a bore.
Cats and dogs living together! BillDo and I agree on something!
Also noteworthy:
The only reason I went was because of reports that at the end of Act I there was an obscene sexual act that took place between Scarpia, the bad guy chief of secret police, and a statue of Our Blessed Mother.
I guess he’s into virgins. Or statue-fucking. Or, like so many Catholics, he has erotic fantasies revolving around schoolgirl uniforms, nuns, the virgin Mary, etc. That’s cool, though I wouldn’t sit through a whole opera just for one sex scene. That’s what the Internet is for.
But now I have this urge to make a virgin Mary statue out of a blow-up doll.
arensb said:
Oh look, I’ve got monkeys flying out of my butt!
The BillDo obviously would. He’s made no apologies regarding his willingness to rant about something he’s not seen for himself so why would he make an exception in this case? The only possible answers would be marble boobies or real cock.
Wouldn’t that be rather cold, though? Then again, maybe that explains why those nude marble statues have prominent nipples.