Tag Dinesh D’Souza

D’Good Idea, Actually

Back in November, Dinesh D’Souza asked, “Are Atheists the New Gays?

Dawkins has also suggested that atheists, like gays, should come out of the closet. Well, what if they don’t want to? I don’t know if Dawkins would support “outing” atheists. Can an atheist “rights” group be far behind? Hate crimes laws to protect atheists? Affirmative action for unbelievers? An Atheist Annual Parade, complete with dancers and floats? Atheist History Month?

To answer D’Souza’s first question, no, he doesn’t. And as far as I know, hate-crime laws should protect atheists as much as anyone else.

As for the parade and Atheist History Month, those sound great! (Or should I say “fabulous”?) Where do I sign up?