BillDo Misrepresents Prop 8

BillDo Misrepresents Prop 8

Once more, BillDo
forgot to keep his noise-hole closed:

[In an anti-Proposition 8 TV ad] Two young men, who identify themselves as being from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, knock on the door of two lesbian women announcing that “We are here to take away your rights.”

Catholic League president Bill Donohue responded as follows:

“Radical homosexuals have a long history of anti-religious bigotry, so it is not surprising that with a pro-marriage initiative on the ballot in California (Proposition 8 would secure marriage as a right between a man and a woman only), they would resort to gutter tactics.

Unfortunately, Shrill Bill missed the big difference between Prop 8
and anti-gay-marriage laws passed in other states these past few
elections. Those other laws were preemptive: they were intended to
shore up the “one man, one woman” side in advance of possible court

In California, on the other hand, gays did have the right to
marry (until Prop 8 passed, at least), and many took advantage of
that, gaining all the rights, privileges, and obligations that come
with it. Now Prop 8 is taking away those rights, rights that people
already have.

Choke on a bag of cocks, Bill.

One thought on “BillDo Misrepresents Prop 8

  1. I am thoroughly sick of wankers like Donny-Hoo-Haw crying persecution whenever someone stands up to them, and the persecution they perpetrate. The hypocrisy stinks all the way to here.

  2. I saw footage of the protests that ensued when Prop 8 passed. I think protest is HIGHLY called-for in this situation. You’re absolutely right– taking away a right that was already granted is nothing short of cruel. What would we have done in 1921 if the government had said, “Well, ladies, you’ve had the vote for one year, but now we’re going to yank your franchise. Sorry, but that’s the will of the majority, and anyway, the Bible says you all need to submit to your husbands, so push off.” I think I would have joined the rioting.

  3. Perky Skeptic:

    I wouldn’t be a latte-sipping knee-jerk liberal if I didn’t bend over to be fair and try to see all sides of a question, and in the homophobes’ defense, this election may have been the first legal opportunity to reverse what they saw as a wrong decision.

    Having said that, my invitation in the last paragraph still stands. Unless there aren’t enough donors to fill a bag (which seems likely, actually), in which case he should substitute dildos made from consecrated hosts.

  4. Oh, and there was some pro-8 fool quoted on the CBC, trying to preempt attempts by the other side to keep the issue alive, accusing pro-gay-marriage movement of dragging Californians through the referendum process twice, and wasting tax-payers money. No, liar: it’s you lot who did that, by refusing to MYOB and let other folks who aren’t harming you in any tangible way just get on with their lives. Fscking hypocrite.

  5. Gay is the new black.

    I’d like to point out to BillDo and all like-minded supporters that the only reason the slope is slippery is because you keep shitting on everything. Put a cork in it already.

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