Paul Taylor’s Fickle Exactness
Paul Taylor, who helps Eric Hovind run the family misinformation mill in the absence of his father Kent, accuses people who think Noah’s Ark was just a story of not having done our homework:
Question 1: How did they all fit on the boat and who put them in there? Don’t forget that there were two of each specie(sic) (male & female)
[…] The questioner makes a more serious error, however, by not actually reading the Bible. If he had read the account in Genesis, then he would have realized that the biblical account does not even refer to “species.” Instead, it refers to kind. The Hebrew word for kind is mîn. For this reason, creation biologists have started to use their own technical term for this grouping of creatures—baramin. The Hebrew bara means “created,” so baramin is a created kind.
Got that, scoffers? Specific words have specific meanings, and unless you’re careful to use just the right word, you’re arguing against a straw man!
For example:
Question 4: Didn’t Noah have to wait for many years to get the snail on-board?
Noah did not take invertebrates onto the Ark, only animals with lungs (Genesis 7:15). Invertebrates can survive such conditions.
Spineless, lungless, eh, what’s the dif’?
Of course, that’s just a diagram. That snail lung could be as fictitious as dragons and unicorns. How about a photo?
Yeah, but that’s ‘shopped. I can tell by the pixels. Pixels are scoffers. Well-known fact, that.