The Continuing Adventures of Clueless Kent
Today’s Pensacola News Journal has an
on what’s happening with kent Hovind.
Kent Hovind Pleads Douchebaggery
The Pensacola News Journal reports that Kent Hovind
was in court
Hovind’s attorney [said] his client did not want to enter a plea because he does not believe the United States, the Internal Revenue Service and the U.S. Attorney’s Office “have jurisdiction in this matter.”
When pressed by Davis to enter a plea of either guilty or not guilty, Hovind said he wished to enter a plea of “subornation of false muster.” […]
When pressed by Davis, Hovind said he was entering a not guilty plea “under duress.”
Fundies Have No Sense of Humor
Today’s nominee for Stupidest Person on the Planet O’ the Day is Pete from March Together for Life, for his post condemning Miss Caroline Weber for looking forward to her abortion. The only problem… let me take that back. The first obvious problem is that the article he’s criticizing is from the Onion.
(Note to Very Stupid People With No Sense Of Humor: the Onion is a satirical publication. The stories that appear in it are not true.)
A Statistical Approach to Deranged Creationist Liars
Over at the Bad Astronomy weblog,
Blake Stacey
wrote the following,
which is reproduced here with permission:
Come on, we’re scientists, right? How about we break out the mathematics. Just for kicks, I’m gonna model Coulter as a Bernoulli process!
PZ Myers
praises the Episcopalians
for their choice of new presiding bishop.
Congratulations, Dr Jefferts Schori! While I’m not about to join a church, you do exhibit the kind of sensible perspective on the real world I’d like to see much, much more of in religious leaders…
Just for that, I think need to set their
Armageddon clock back a minute.
Art of Science
winners of the 2006 Princeton Art of Science competition are online.
Go look! Pretty pictures!
The Drake Equation, Creationist Version
(I didn’t write this. To the best of my knowledge, it’s by a guy who posts as astronomer on’s Creation Vs. Evolution board. I just reformatted and tweaked it a bit):
(For those who don’t know, the
Drake equation
is an estimate of the number of extraterrestrial civilizations out there with which we can communicate.
The Drake Equation
N* * fs * fp * ne * fi * fc * fl = N
N* = number of stars
fs = fraction of sun-like stars
fp = fraction of stars with planets
ne = number of planets in habitable zone
fi = fraction of habitable zones where life does arise
fc = fraction of planets inhabited by intelligent beings
fl = percentage of the lifetime of a planet that is marked by presence of a communicative civilization
The Drake Equation, Creationist Edition
NG = Number of places chosen by God.
Dreamfall on HintWiki
I’ve added
hints for
(the sequel to
The Longest Journey)
to the
Have You Been Saved?
On the
Apr. 21, 2006 edition
Point of Inquiry,
Lauren Becker has an excellent and non-mushy editorial on environmentalism, “Have You Been Saved?” (the show is
the editorial starts at the 1:50 mark). Go listen to it. The rest of the show has Bill Nye, so it’s all good.
Her main point (echoed later by Nye) is that environmentalism isn’t about Saving The Earth. The Earth is a giant rock that we couldn’t destroy if we tried. The Earth will be around long after we’re all dead.
Environmentalism is about Saving The Humans. About not shitting in your and your children’s dinner plates. The reason to care about what happens to whales or spotted owls isn’t that they’re cute and cuddly, but rather that what’s killing them today is likely to kill us tomorrow, if we don’t do something about it.