USA: Now, With Less Torture!*

* Some restrictions may apply. The definition of torture is subject to change without notice. Incarcerators’ decision may be final.

So anyway, we now have
a shiny new law that outlaws torture.

With a few caveats.

Like, the president gets to define what constitutes “torture”, so as long as he can rationalize that something is just high-spirited hijinks or “tough interrogation techniques” or approaches but does not exceed the pain of organ failure, or even if God just told him to do it, then hey, it’s not torture.

And what if you’ve been locked up when you haven’t done anything? Well, if the administration says you’re an unlawful combatant (at their discretion, natch), then you don’t even have the right to have a judge tell you WTF you’re locked up. In other words, if you think you’re being tortured illegally, who are you gonna complain to? And if you think you should have the right to habeas corpus because you’re not an unlawful combatant, well, the people who have you locked up say you are, so who are you gonna complain to?

Another sad and ironic part is that this certainly isn’t going to help our troops in the field. Not that this is news to anyone, except possibly the people at the head of this administration.

Back in the 4th century BC, Alexander the Great introduced a new wartime strategy. Unlike previous conquerors, when he captured a city, he didn’t slaughter the inhabitants and burn the city to the ground. Rather, he would execute the king and spare the population. This meant that the defenders were fighting to defend their king, their city, and their wealth, but not their lives, so they had less of an incentive to fight to the bitter end.

More recently, during WWII, Joseph Stalin decreed that any Soviet soldier taken prisoner by the Germans obviously hadn’t fought hard enough, and was therefore a traitor. Any POWs who were returned to the Soviet Union were executed for treason. Consequently, faced with a choice between possible death in combat, and surrender to the Germans, followed by months or years in a POW camp, followed by execution by firing squad, the Soviet army put up a hell of a fight.

Now we have become a nation that, shocked by the photos that came out of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, looked deep into its soul, and said, “I don’t think we should do anything like this… but why don’t you decide for us, Mr. President?”

In other words, we are a country that tortures.

And now, in Iraq and Afghanistan, any insurgent, terrorist, or poor schmuck caught at the wrong place at the wrong time and staring down the barrels of a dozen marines’ rifles is going to have to ask himself, “do I want to surrender, and probably be tortured, and spend the next forever chained naked to a cell door in a pool of my own shit, or do I want to risk fighting my way out, and maybe take a few of them with me?”

News flash: that’s not what we want them to think. What we want them to think is “Fuck this shit. This isn’t worth dying for. I’ll just surrender, and have some war stories to tell my kids.”

Is this really that hard to grasp?

(Crossposted to daily Kos.)

Pagegate Just Got Gayer

…thanks to Lawrence O’Donnell at HuffPo, and this tidbit in the Post:

The staff member said Hastert’s chief of staff, Scott Palmer, met with the Florida Republican at the Capitol to discuss complaints about Foley’s behavior toward pages.

Palmer, who shares a townhouse with Hastert when they are in town, is more powerful than all but a few House members.

I know that prime real estate in DC is expensive, but Hastert makes $212 grand a year. I don’t know how much Palmer makes, but I bet he’s not hurting either, so I can’t imagine them being roomies for financial reasons.

I suppose it’s possible that Hastert and Palmer feel they need 24-hour access to each other in case an important issue comes up in the middle of the night, or because they’re firmly committed to saving gas by car-pooling, but let’s face it: you’re all thinking the same thing as I am: Hastert is teh gay.

Which wouldn’t—or shouldn’t—be a big deal, except for the fact that they’re members of the party that mobilized the troops in the last election by stirring up fears that OMG the gays are going to sap our precious bodily fluids!

It’s not the gayness. It’s not even the coverup (if any). It’s the hypocrisy.

Pay No Attention to that War Behind the Curtain

This image is from a screenshot
this week’s Newsweek site, showing the covers of the paper editions in various areas.

Let’s play “One of these things is not like the others”. Notice anything different about the US edition? Where exactly are the signs of this “liberal media bias” thing I keep hearing about? Or did the editors think that Americans should be insulated from unpleasant facts like the fact that we might be losing in Afghanistan? Could the looming election have anything to do with it?


(Hat tips to
Rising Hegemon
Democratic Underground)

Update, Sep. 26, 2006: a friend of mine suggested another, perhaps more cynical explanation: Newsweek thinks that the American public is bored with Afghanistan, and they figured that they’d get more sales with Annie Leibowitz than with that boring and depressing stuff in Afghanistan.

Senate Gets an Early Start on the Weekend

In the sidebar of

Friday, Sep 22, 2006

The Senate convened at 9:30 a.m. and adjourned at 9:40 a.m. No record votes were taken.

I wish I could come in for ten minutes and vote to give myself the rest of the day off.

When I rule the world, there’ll be a time clock on Capitol Hill. And if anyone takes time off like this, it’ll come out of their salary.

(HT curvemudgeon, Wonkette.)

John Davison Does It Again

If you know who John Davison is, you may want to read his new new blog,
The End of Evolution.

If you don’t know, Read More

D. James Kennedy godwinates; Behe distances himself from “Darwin’s Deadly Legacy

For those who didn’t know, Coral Ridge Ministries is producing a TV show to appear in a few days, called Darwin’s Deadly Legacy. Judging by the preview, it’s going to be one long argumentum ad Hitlerum, along with a heaping dose of evolution denial, and a bit of Columbine thrown in for good measure.

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We Know You’re Guilty. We Don’t Need to Prove it.

The Washington Post has
another scary dictatorship article.

A draft Bush administration plan for special military courts seeks to expand the reach and authority of such “commissions” to include trials, for the first time, of people who are not members of al-Qaeda or the Taliban and are not directly involved in acts of international terrorism, according to officials familiar with the proposal.

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Theocracy in Delaware

The New York Times has an
about the Indian River School District case.

Basically, the area is populated by religious bigots. Their entire argument seems to be “we’re all Christian. We’ve always been Christian. If you don’t like it, you can either convert or leave.”:
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South Dakota Republicans Are Superstitious Reactionaries

The South Dakota GOP has a
list of resolutions for 2006. It’s just a bunch of non-binding, chest-pounding, talking-point-centric rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb, but Resolution 16 caught my eye:

WHEREAS, education on species origin is a vital aspect in the understanding of nature and the purpose of human life; and,

WHEREAS, evolution is a theory that is taught in public schools as fact and at the exclusion of all other theories; and

WHEREAS, the South Dakota Republican Party believes there are other plausible theories, including creationism;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the South Dakota Republican Party supports efforts to expand beyond evolution the knowledge, scope, and debate in public education on the theories of species origin.

(emphasis added)

I understand that these people are reactionaries who never got over women’s suffrage, but come on! This is the 21st century! Didn’t they get the memo that says they’re supposed to call it “intelligent design” these days?

Fundies Have No Sense of Humor

Today’s nominee for Stupidest Person on the Planet O’ the Day is Pete from March Together for Life, for his post condemning Miss Caroline Weber for looking forward to her abortion. The only problem… let me take that back. The first obvious problem is that the article he’s criticizing is from the Onion.

(Note to Very Stupid People With No Sense Of Humor: the Onion is a satirical publication. The stories that appear in it are not true.)

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