Archives 2006

Gil Dodgen: Uncommonly Dense

Gil Dodgen posted the following over at Uncommon Descent:

All computational evolutionary algorithms artificially isolate the effects of random mutation on the underlying machinery: the CPU instruction set, operating system, and algorithmic processes responsible for the replication process.

If the blind-watchmaker thesis is correct for biological evolution, all of these artificial constraints must be eliminated. Every aspect of the simulation, both hardware and software, must be subject to random errors.

Of course, this would result in immediate disaster and the extinction of the CPU, OS, simulation program, and the programmer, who would never get funding for further realistic simulation experiments.

All I can say is “wow”. Either Dodgen is having us all on (which I doubt, since he’s started a new thread to respond to the charge that he doesn’t know WTF he’s talking about), or he honestly doesn’t understand the difference between the simulated environment and the machine doing the simulating.

Presumably he also believes that when NOAA simulates the effect of a hurricane hitting the Florida coast, they have to pour rain onto their computers. And that every time an orc dies in World of Warcraft, a real orc dies in some distant land.

I know that I’m often too rooted in the concrete and have trouble going from a collection of facts to a general principle, but damn!

Pay No Attention to that War Behind the Curtain

This image is from a screenshot
this week’s Newsweek site, showing the covers of the paper editions in various areas.

Let’s play “One of these things is not like the others”. Notice anything different about the US edition? Where exactly are the signs of this “liberal media bias” thing I keep hearing about? Or did the editors think that Americans should be insulated from unpleasant facts like the fact that we might be losing in Afghanistan? Could the looming election have anything to do with it?


(Hat tips to
Rising Hegemon
Democratic Underground)

Update, Sep. 26, 2006: a friend of mine suggested another, perhaps more cynical explanation: Newsweek thinks that the American public is bored with Afghanistan, and they figured that they’d get more sales with Annie Leibowitz than with that boring and depressing stuff in Afghanistan.

Bill Clinton Bitchslaps Chris Wallace on Fox News

Crooks and Liars has the video. Go watch it. It’s beautiful.

Basically, Chris Wallace asked Clinton why he didn’t do more to kill or capture Osama bin Laden. Clinton went on a tear, explaining why the question is a load of dingo’s kidneys, how the GOoPers were whining about Clinton obsessing over bin Laden instead of concentrating on more important matters, how Fox News is the right wing’s mouthpiece, and that that they never ask these sorts of questions of the people in power today. Oh, and as an extra touch of class, he didn’t mention that the people criticizing him today were too busy organizing a witch hunt over a real estate deal and a blow job.

Mr. Clinton: could you please help the Democratic party? They need some balls.

Pirate Mode Code

I don’t know whether anyone noticed, but on Talk Like A Pirate Day, all the text on this site was converted to pirate lingo.

This was done through
that I consed up for the occasion. Feel free to steal download and use it.

Nuclear War Update: It Happened, Really!

Wiley has provided a good summary of Yisrayl “Buffalo Bill” Hawkins‘s prediction of a nuclear war on Sep. 12:

Read More

Senate Gets an Early Start on the Weekend

In the sidebar of

Friday, Sep 22, 2006

The Senate convened at 9:30 a.m. and adjourned at 9:40 a.m. No record votes were taken.

I wish I could come in for ten minutes and vote to give myself the rest of the day off.

When I rule the world, there’ll be a time clock on Capitol Hill. And if anyone takes time off like this, it’ll come out of their salary.

(HT curvemudgeon, Wonkette.)

Arrrr, Me Mateys!

Avast, ye salty sea curs! Today be Talk Like A Pirate Day. Ye’ll comment in piratey and like it, else walk the plank like the scurvy dogs ye be!

(Actually, ye’ll comment in piratey courtesy of Dougal Campbell’s Pirate Filter. The rest of the site be usin’ a custom JavaScript filter that ye’re welcome to add to yer booty chest, seein’ as how it’s licensed under the GNU Plunder License.)

I Must’ve Slept Through the Nuclear War

As I mentioned earlier, Yisrayl Hawkins (formerly Buffalo Bill Hawkins) of the House of Yahweh predicted that there’d be a nuclear war on Sep. 12, 2006. And as you may have noticed, it didn’t happen.

The good people at Boing Boing came up with a list of possible excuses that Hawkins could use to explain why the nuclear holocaust didn’t happen.

Right now, his web page has the tantalizing headline

The House of Yahweh Prophecy of 9-12-2006 Has Been Fulfilled
Stay tuned for upcoming details

I’m curious to see what excuse he’ll come up with, but if it’s anything like his original prophecy, it’ll be ten dense pages of intricate rationalization, rather than something clear but goofy.

Update: I’m also amused by the bit on his web page that says:

Thursday, September 14, 2006
-2 days remaining before the start of nuclear war

Perhaps the Ultimate Pirate Video


It’s got everything: crappy music, worse dancing, puppets, pirates, Christian rap. Words cannot describe it.

Update, Sep. 12, 2006: Favorite comment: “Can’t sleep, the puppets will eat me.

Update, Sep. 13, 2006: Another good comment: “Okay America, we gave you religious freedom, and you do THIS with it […] Watching this, some would say the terrorists have already won. But NO ONE WINS with this video.”

Mark Your Calendars: Nuclear War

TheHouse of Yahweh has announced that nuclear war will start on Sep. 12, 2006.


It’s not clear to me how they came up with this date, so allow me to speculate irresponsibly: the number of the beast is 666. 6 = 5 + 1, and Sep. 12, 2006 is five years and one day after the 9/11 attacks.

Furthermore, 7 is a number often associated with God and goodness: there are 7 days in a week, 7 planets known to the ancients, Joshua destroyed Jericho by marching around it for 7 days, and 7 times on the 7th day, etc.

Now note that Sep. 12 is 7 days before Talk Like A Pirate Day. Coincidence? I think not!